August 23, 2023
Writing blog posts in ASCII only
August 05, 2023
How to beautiy old index cards
One of the main reasons why paper based analog Zettelkasten is rejected by the note taking community is because it's low efficiency. It's more than a myth but a fact that writing something on a sheet of paper takes much longer than typing the notes into a keyboard. In addition, an electronic database makes sure the content is accessible forever, but a sheet of paper goes yellow after some months.
If a frequently used index card has dog's ear and the content can't be read anymore there is a need to copy the content to a new card. That means, the owner of the Zettelkasten has to manual copy the content word by word with a pen to a fresh card which has no visible signs of wear and then put the card back into the tray. Of course, the procedure will take some time and if the content is boring the time is wasted.