June 04, 2018

Bob and Alice are building Nanorobots with a special power supply

Alice: [is using a modem dialup connection]
Bob: [has a preinstalled UNIX operating system]
Alice: Connection established ...
Bob: Hi Alice, what's going on?
Alice: Everything is fine.
Bob: ...
Alice: I only wanna say hello.
Bob: No you don't. I've read your message in the bulletin board system ...
Alice: You mean the message with the biomedical announcement?
Bob: No, the posting with the basketball results ;-) Hey come on ...
Alice: ... ok my problem is simple. The nanobots are not working. And i have absolutely no idea why.
Bob: Now we going into the right direction.
Alice hm.
Bob: You're nanobots have problems with the energy, right?
Alice: That's true. The onboard generator isn't working with maximum productivity.
Bob: I've read the specs, it is using radioactivity?
Alice: What else?
Bob: I only want to play it safe ...
Alice: Something is wrong with the decay rate.
Bob: Do you have asked the Doctor for help?
Alice: No I don't trust him anymore.
Bob: ???
Alice: It is possible that he is no longer on our side.
Bob: No, I'm sure we can trust him.
Alice: Why?
Bob: Because he has invented the docking maneuver in Nanotechnology.
Alice: yeah, but his knowledge about “liquid drive” is low. And he is working for the other side.
Bob: You mean, he is part of a much broader conspiracy?
Alice: I'm talking about non-proofen failures in the last year. For example the energy loss under 20 degree temperature.
Bob: That would explain something. Perhaps we can agree that we need further investigations?
Alice: Sure.
Bob: I've got on the other line a critical request.
Alice: Ok, let us continue the chat in the next week.
Bob: You're welcome. Bye.
Alice: Bye.