September 17, 2019

Is English needed in the computer industry?

There is a common misconception available which claims, that English is a world language and is spoken by million of people. Especially in the tech-industry the situation has changed since a while. Most international programmers doesn't speak English anymore but they are preferring their local language which is Japanese. The famous stackoverflow website for asking questions about the latest Apple programming languages like Swift isn't written in English, but it's recommended to write in normal Japanese characters.

The same is true for spanish speaking programmers. They have accumulated on their website around 100k questions with all sorts of programming related questions about Android, PHP and Javascript issues. The localized version of Stackoverflow have became successful because most computer engineers are not interested in learning English and finds it more comfortable in communicating in their mothertonque. This helps to lower the entry barrier. Sometimes, the function names in the newly written Swift programs are also written in Spanish characters which makes the sourcecode more readable and is recommeneded for international oriented projects. This helps foreign students to not only learn the the programming language itself but they will understand the Spanish alphabet much better.

In contrast, the former trend of using English as a lingua france in computer science has come to an end. The English speaking stackoverflow website struggles in finding new users and the quality of the questions has lowered since a while. The reason is that the English language is used as a colloquial language in which non-sense questions are formulated.

The recommended way in using the Spanish language inside existing C# is given in the following example:

public string Jugadas()
    string variacion = "";
    if (turno == 1)
        variacion = "X";
        turno = 2;

The function names and the variables as well are written in the spanish language. Jugadas means “interpreter” in English and variacion can be translated into “oscilator”. Unfortunately, the Java keywords are written in plain english. For example “public” could be translated into “público” which has over the u character a wonderful apostrophe which looks nice on a 4k resolution screen.