September 04, 2021

Are qtips the number one cause of otitis media?


According to a famous academic paper it is the reason. But let us investigate the situation in detail. There is some sort of action sequence which looks natural on the first look but will result into a maximum credible accident which is a technical term for a nuclear disaster.
1. the ear is producing ear wax all the time
2. to remove the ear wax a qtip is used which doesn't produce pain
3. if the qtip are used frequently the cerumen gets compressed near the ear drum and can't be removed anymore
4. Then the patient swims in a lake, bacteria from the water is put into the ear
5. until now no measurable pain is there. Everything looks normal. At the same time there is a great danger for the patient
6. it will take around 3 days until the bacteria behind the cerumen have grown exponential. They have infected the ear canal and the patient will feel a small irrigation.
7. the patient is doing nothing but waits for another day. The cerumen together with the bacteria has become an infection disease and the patient needs for sure an ENT doctor.
8. After another month without investigating the situation in detail the lymph nodes are swollen, the ear infection has become an acute otitis media and the patient is in a life threatening situation.
What we can see is, that the situation starts not very harmful but escalates quickly into a medical emergency. The assumption is that such an action sequence is normal for 700 million patient world wide who are visiting the ENT doctor for acute ear infection.
The recommendation is very simple: monitor your own ear canal and investigate the ear canal of close friends. This will help a lot to prevent infectious diseases.

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