May 01, 2022

Note taking with a space limitation


Brian: What are you doing?
Steve: Nothing,, i have reorganized my note taking system.
Brian: Sounds interesting, you're using Obsidian right?
Steve: Not really, i have switched over to a Luhmann note box.
Brian: I have seen the clip yesterday. The guy was sitting in a complete mess with endless amount of sheets.
Steve: No, you haven't understood what Luhmann has done. There is a system!
Brian: Right, explain it to me, please.
Steve: At first, you have to write down every idea on a small “post it” note.
Brian: Sure, and then i can arrange them on a wall in a certain shape.
Steve: No, this is the wrong system which is called kanban. Here, you have to put the sheets into a box.
Brian: Ok, that sounds logical. Do i need a certain size?
Steve: Yes, i mean no. It depends on the notecards.
Brian: I prefer a normal outliner software, is this ok?
Steve: Maybe.
Brian: Ok, what's next?
Steve: If the notes are stored in a virtual box, you browse from first to the last one.
Brian: Wouldn't it be easier to write down the notes on a single sheet of paper?
Steve: Nope, hundreds of pieces are better than a single one.
Brian: But then, there is no structure available, for example sections.
Steve: I'm not an expert, but i think this is the goal.
Brian: What is about external literature, how can i cite them?
Steve: The references are stored on notes as well but they are put into a separate box.
Brian: So i will need two outliner files?
Steve: Exactly. It is not recommended to combine normal notes with bibliographic notes. This would produce a complete mess.
Brian: You mean in addition to the existing one ... Sorry for this.
Steve: Tell me something, which sort of project do you like to organize?
Brian: Nothing in special, perhaps I'd like to write a book about sociology, or something like this.
Steve: Very good. Sociology consists of topics like culture, religion and economy. You will have to read a lot of books.
Brian: Thanks for the advice, bye.