October 05, 2023

10+ reasons why Windows is better than Linux

  • 1 It needs around 3 Watt less on the average laptop for running most software
  • 1a The hardware support is execellent. Every wifi chipset and any graphics card is running with Windows
  • 1b It will run out of the box because its preinstalled on every PC
  • 2 All the programs known from Linux like libreoffice, python and video editing software is available for Windows too
  • 2a There is more software available especially commercial high end software
  • 3 Linux has proven for over 30 years that its a bad choice for the desktop. Most projects like Mandriva, Slackware and Antergos have been discontinued
  • 3a The promise of the open source community to make development transparanet has failed. Even the Debian distribution is shipped with proprietary drivers and there is no such thing like Open Hardware
  • 3b Linux and not Windows has to prove that it is superior, because Windows is the defacto standard
  • 4 Windows has a larger user base which ensures that innovation takes place
  • 4a Microsoft standards like the FAT32 filesystem, the docx document format and MS Access databases are industry wide standards used by everybody
  • 5 The system configuration is centralized which makes it likely that problems can be fixed.