January 17, 2018

Typesetting LaTeX for somebody else

https://academia.stackexchange.com/questions/102242/is-it-okay-to-typeset-someone-s-to-be-graded-assignment-for-them Sure, this is ethical. Because it is done by Elsevier and Springer all the time. Typesetting a manuscript for an author who isn't motivated for doing this alone is the primary business model in scientific publishing. The 2 years timeperiod, which is needed until the normal manuscript is taken his way into the public is mostly used by manual formatting of submitted manuscripts. The only thing what's not ethical is, if a publisher would decide to not doing so because this would result into self-publishing of scientific manuscripts which is equal to fall of man. From the previous answers on Stackexchange, which I've read carefully i know, that this opinion has not much support in the community and i would guess in case of posting this to the OP my answer gets a -8 or lower downvote. But by the way, this is what I'm thinking, perhaps i should send a pingback? No, I don't want so.