June 26, 2019

Robotic lawn mower in comparison

Together with window cleaning robots, the robot lawn mower is the first mass produced robotic device which is sold in a larger amount of quantity. Instead of other robotics examples like the Unimation hospiotal robot (produced in the 1990s) and the Baxter grasping robot, the domain of lawn mowing is handled very well by robotics devices. Most costumers are happy with the device because they get something in return for the spend money. The typical price range for a robot mower is around 1000 US$ until 5000 US$. For this price, the customer gets a two wheel electric robot who is able to cut the grass and finds the way back to the garage automatically.
The only thing what can be criticized is, that today's consumers products are working too good, which makes it hard to invent something new. Technology never stands still and the first task is to create a problem which can't be solved by today's generation of robot. Suppose, the customer has the need, to cut the grass only with a biped robot. Then, the Husqvarna product won't fulfill the needs, because all the devices have 2 or more wheels. The more elaborated form of a mower doesn't need wheels but it is walking like a dog. That means, future not released devices will need legs and an advanced software which controls the legs. This would bring technology to the next level. A biped mower can handle more complex situations.