June 24, 2019

Why Unix is hated by everybody

Sometimes, Unix and the modern Linux is described as the most powerful operating system ever which is especially prefered by programmers. But in reality the situation is quite opposite. Unix was never the favorite operating system, and the only one who loved the system was the enduser. Let us take a look what the more liked Operating system is. A hardware company like HP or Apple are prefering their own customized operating system which is Apple OS, HP-UX or OpenVMS. The idea is to program for the hardware a dedicated os which only runs on this computer. The manufactorer has total control over the OS and he decides which programs are running under the system. If the customer needs additional software he can by the program direct from the company which is equal make additional profit.
A similar approach was chosen by IBM. The consumer bought a mainframe for example the 360 system and ontop of the system the customer becomes an operating system. The customer is not allowed to delete the original OS because than the product won't work anymore. This is the common standard in operating system. IBM, HP, Apple and many other hardware companies are operating under this principle today.
And now comes something which is not wanted. The customer likes to become independent from the hardware company. He is not interested in the standard software but likes to install his own programs. He doesn't ask HP if he is allowed to install a new kind of operating system on the server but he is doing it on their wish. This is the basic idea behind Unix/Linux. It is a technology used by customers against the normal standard OS. The customer deletes the HP-UX software and installs a Linux system. Except from the customer nobody else encourages this plan. HP will hate the idea very much because the company will loose the control over the customer.
The same principle is visible in the modern Linux ecosystem. What the Linux fanboys are doing is to buy a normal desktop PC which comes with customized WIndows OS. The company, for example DELL has invested lots of hours into run the Windows OS on his hardware great. But the customers decides to delete Windows and he installs an Linux system which has no warrenty. From the perspective of the hardware manufactorer, this is equal that the customer has made something wrong. He will loose the warrenty on the device. That means, Dell didn't gave the permission that the enduser is allowed to install Linux on the system. Escpeically not a Linux system which was compiled from scratch.
What i want to explain is twofold. First, Unix/Linux is the natural enemy of hardware companies and secondly it is modifing the relationship between a company and the enduser. Somebody may ask why all the hardware companies are programming their own operating system. Wouldn't it be easier to establish a common standard? The only one who is prefering standards is the end-user. If he has an operating system which runs on IBM, Apple, HP and dell he is in better position. But in the classical market the wishes of the customer are not important. Instead the need of the hardware companies is to control the market and a standard would make this attempt more difficult. That means, Apple is not interested that the enduser deletes Mac OS X, Apple is interested that the cusotmer stays within the normal OS which is controlled by Apple.