July 27, 2019

Linux isn't recommended for gaming

Sometimes it was argued, that Linux is a great gaming platform, because the STEAM client is available in the Ubuntu repository and the Mono environment allows to play C# games under Linux. For example the OpenRA realtime strategy game is available as a Linux package and can be started under the open source operating system.
I have tested it out but the performance is poor. After joining a multiplayer match, the framerate for the other player drops below the limit. That means, my Linux box was the reason why 3 other players were not able to play the game fast. Linux is an obstacle which prevents to have fun with the OpenRA game. The problem is, that it won't help to adjust the settings. Even with a so called “frame limiter” the slow performance remains the same. Combined with seldom crashes of the game, Linux is a bad choice for serious gamers.
I'm using the latest Fedora version which includes the Wayland environment which is according to the developers optimized for modern graphics cards. My CPU has 4 virtual cores which can provide a lot of power, but not in Linux.