July 20, 2019

Will Rust replace C++?

The Rust programming language looks like a promising candidate which simplifies programming. In contrast to C++ the language was designed from scratch and has many powerful features. Even the performance can be compared with C++. Unfortunately these features are not enough to compete with C++. The problem with C++ is, that the language is nearly perfect, which means there is no need for new kind of language. The reason why C++ has pointers is because a computer is working with pointers, and the reason why so much libraries are available in C++ is because so much programmers have written it. It's simply not possible to invent programming from scratch and make everything much better.
The future of C++ isn't Rust, but the future is a layered software development workflow in which the prototype is written in Python and the production code in C/C++. That's the best practice method in producing high quality software which runs on major operating systems. It's true that there is need for additional language apart from C/C++ but not with the aim to replace it but to extend it.
The funny thing with programming is, that writing code isn't very hard. I've never heard of a programming project in which the programmers where not able to create an array and fill it with values. The reason why software projects fails has to do with coordinating programmers, decide which kind of program has to be written and because the users doesn't like the application. Converting a specification into executable binary code is the easy part in a software project. If somebody is in the comfortable position, that he can type in C++ sourcecode into an IDE the project is on the right track.
Software engineering can't be revolutionized with new programming languages but with new collaborations tools like atlassian jira, wikis, github and so forth.