December 26, 2019

What is a book unhaul?

Everybody who is familiar with youtube will have recognized a certain individualized sort of clips, in which people are showing to the world the content of their bookshelf. Usually the idea is, to introduce newbies into the wonderful joy of reading books, collecting them and organize hundred of books in a self-creating library. Since a while the opposite trend is emerging and the youtube community has chosen the term “book unhaul” for this kind of very interesting video. The idea is, to clean up the bookshelf and remove all the unread, unwanted and boring books from the bookshelf. The idea is not to grow the library, but to clean up the mess.

I can link to some of these funny videos, but after entering the search term lots of these interesting examples are visible in the result list. As far as i can see, most unhaul videos are about fictional books. But perhaps some advanced youtubers have come to the conclusion, that they want to unhaul also the Encyclopedia britannica, the never read book about fuzzy logic or a dissertation of a friend ...