April 27, 2020

How to reduce the traffic in a blog to zero

The first thing to do is to avoid larger blogging websites like wordpress and medium and select Google Blogspot as the blogging website. Google Blogspot doesn't has commercial advertaisment which makes the space not attractive for a larger audience. Additionally, Google websearch doesn't indexes the blogspot subdomain so the newly created blog is nearly invisible in the internet. After creating some blog posts the user has to rename the blog. This can be realized with the settings menu. The result is, that even the blog was discovered by external search engines like bing, the URL becomes obsolete and the newly created URL has to discovered again. This will drop the daily pageview counter down to zero for sure.

The open question is, what to do with a blog which has no audience? This is outside the scope of this tutorial. Here, it was only explained how to create such a C- weblog. The only thing what is for sure is, that the no comments were written by external internet users, and that no search engine will find the blog.