July 12, 2021

Will Microsoft take over Debian?

From time to time it is interesting to observe what the Debian community is doing. The upcoming Debian 11 distribution has found many fans and some of the users have installed the .iso file already even it wasn't released as a stable version yet. This behavior is common, because Debian is by far the most reliable Linux distribution and it makes sense that Linux enthusiasts are trying out new versions.
But one thing is new. It seems, that especially since the announcement of the Debian 11 distribution many new users have discovered the Debian ecosystems which were used in the past the Windows operating system. in addition, Microsoft plays a more active role in promoting Free and Open Source software. Similar to google they are explaining on their own website how to download and install a .deb file which contains the latest version of the Visual studio software Visual studio is the most important IDE for creating software under the Windows operating system.
We can only speculate in which direction this development will go in the future. What we say for sure that the former conflict between Linux and Windows has lowered a bit. That means, that at least some users are switching back and forth between Windows and Debian and recent versions of the package managers are making such attempt very easy.
To understand the importance better it makes sense to give some background information about the Debian ecosystem. in contrast to the Windows world, Debian is missing of third party applications. The amount of software (games, applications and edutainment programs) for the Debian operating system is low and even very very low. Debian has not something which is comparable to the Windows store or the Android store. The only thing what Debian users can install on their machine is a small amount of flagship software which is mostly gimp, gcc, apache and libreoffice. If somebody needs more applications he has to leave the Linux ecosystem and has to boot the Windows OS.
This missing software for Linux is the main reason why the market share on the desktop is around 1% worldwide. inventing a software store for Linux which provides thousands of games and desktop applications is equal to make Linux great again.