August 03, 2021

Does Windows has disadvantages?

 In a blog post somewhere in the internet some cons of Windows were mentioned. Most of the cons are wrong and it makes sense to go through the list.

1. High resource requirements: Windows isn't using more cpu ressources but less. The software is more adapted to the software and was tested. In contrast Linux is known for lower battery performance.

2. closed source. The argument was that it is not possible to troubleshoot problems because the software is close source. This argument is wrong as well. Most linux issues remain unsolved, while Windows issues are solved much faster. That is the reason why Microsoft has over one billion customers in the world.

3. pour security. Windows is by far the most secure system in the world. Window server is certified for many security applications.

Then there some minor arguments given like poor technical support and vulnerable to Linux. Point #8 on the list is interesting. It was mentioned in the blog that the price for windows is too high, while Linux is provided for free. How long does it take until somebody is familar with Linux. Right it will take years, in contrast, all the users are familiar with Windows already so the system is much cheaper.

9. Additional expenses. This argument is wrong too. The amount of freeware and open source software for Windows is much higher than for Linux itself. There is a lot of freeware available which isn't available in Debian and other Linux distros. It is up to the end user to decide to install these programs.

The point #11 on the list is funny. It is vendor lock in. The argument was the Windows forcs the user into a certain cage. The reality is, that Windows isn't supported by a single company but by all the hardware and software companies in the world. The mixing of different vendors are one of the key elements of the Windows ecosystem. Windows is nothing else than a bazar in which different companies are offering their software.

So we can say, that windows has no disadvantages. It is a here to stay modern operating system and will succeed Linux easily.