August 05, 2021

How to become an A-Blogger


The traffic to weblogs is categorized into A,B,C. C blogs have low amount of traffic, B-Blogs are read by more people and A-Blogs are international relevant blogs which stay in competition to existing large online portals and forums.
Technically the traffic is measured by the blogging software which is recording the amount of visits on each day. In the screenshot the traffic from this blog is shown. It has a very low traffic of 3 visits per day. That means, literary nobody is reading the blog and no one has subscribed to the RSS feed or is motivated to comment something. Somebody may ask what is wrong with the blog. Does it has content? Yes a lot of content was posted over the years. The blog consists roughly 500 posts and many of them are equipped with self created images. The language is English so in theory the world can read the content.
It is very common for a blog to receive only a low amount of traffic. The reason is, that the internet has millions of different blogs and they are listed in the search engines in the last position. So nobody will find them. For example, one of the postings is about the C language. But if a random visitor is typing in “c language” into google, he won't see my blog because it is located on position 2 million and 321.