May 30, 2018

Bug: Fedora 28 upgrade didn't work

The new Fedora 28 operating system works not very good. The update itself was installed. But it took many hours to download the 3 GB traffic from the internet. The better idea is called delta-upgrades and is used in the Android environment, but it seems that Red Hat don't like the idea very much. Another problem is, that after the update was installed the Chrome browser uses too much cpu-time. Usually the program needs 100% of the processing power and forces the fan to power up. The next problem is the outdated version of Jabref from the Fedora repository. It makes troubles with updates, and the installed version is outdated by 3 years or so.
The next (minor) problem is, that the Lyx document processor is also not amused by the new Fedora 28, because it is no longer possible to change the size of the outline window left on the screen. I'm sure, there are many other problems available for example with the Java runtime environment, but I'm not very pleasant to mention all the details. To summarize the bugreport a bit: Fedora 28 is not the greatest iteration, there is room for improvement.