May 13, 2018

Some questions to Marc Raibert

1. I've read your phd thesis from 1977. It is an amazing piece of work. As far as i can see, you've worked about a quantum computers to simulate the universe. How do you come up with the idea of using cellular automatons?
2. According to the latest speech at the tech-crunch summit, the aim of Boston Dynamics is to educate the public like Sebastian Thrun with Udacity. How many lectures have you produced right now?
3. I've heard you're planning a collaboration with Linus Torvalds to bring forward the git ecosystem. Tell me more about this amazing idea.
4. Is it true, that one version of the spotmini is driven by a nuclear reactor with a lethal dose of radiation?
5. Why are you not interested in the subject of computer animation? There would be many similarities to robotics.
6. Many of your lectures at the M.I.T. are publicly available at the OpenCourseWare project. Get you many questions from your students how want's to know how to build robots?

7. Is it possible to use robots from Boston Dynamics for paranormal detection like in the movie “Ghostbusters (1984)”?