May 15, 2018

Reason why English is better

Only a fraction of papers are published in English. Large parts of the EU, China, US and India are using their own local English in University content. For example, in Germany nearly all classes at the university are German-only classes, the same is true for other EU-countries. But why should everybody speak English, if he is great in his own language, and doesn't won't to do something else?
The answer is given in the book “Tucker, R. "Mathematical and scientific library of the late Charles Babbage." CF Hodgson and Son, London (1872).”, it is a very historic book, published 150 years before and contains all the books and journal papers, Charles Babbage was aware of it. Apart from the content itself, which is mostly about Astronomy, Mathematics and Optics, is one thing remarkable: The literature list contains many different languages. There are some books written in French, in German, English, Latin, and sometimes the language is Italian, It seems, that Babbage was familiar with all these dialect and his first profession was not computing but philology. Sure, all of these languages like German, French and so forth are very nice languages, and in theory it is possible to express everything with it. But, are these languages superior to English? No they don't. English is according to many experiments, the easiest language to learn for foreign speakers. A basic vocabulary consists of not more then 1000 words which is enough to travel through an english speaking and get in conversation with the locals. Sure, nobody in the world likes English very much, but from the purpose of using a language as tool it is the best.
The funny thing with English is, that the language is very tolerant with errors. That means, even a beginner makes lots of typing and grammar errors he will understand by a native speaker. In contrast, if somebody speaks French on an expert level, it is very hard to understand him. It is not necessary to give English a warm welcome, because there is no real alternative to it. But what is possible is to make clear who a world will look like which contains of 100 languages and more. The result is, that the people are not understanding each other. If someone is interested in hiding knowledge and encrypting information the only thing what he need is to write down his academic paper in a perfect form of the German language, and around 6 billion people worldwide are no longer able to get access to it.