March 09, 2020

How Linux will take over the business world

Microsoft is in the comfortable position, that 99% of all business oriented PCs are running under this operating system. From a technical point of view, these machines can be replaced with Linux software. And here is the road ahead. The first thing to do is to replace existing Microsoft SQL Servers with Linux systems. For applications like webserver, fileserver, printserver and user directory the Open Source systems are working stable. The next step is convert former desktop PC client into Linux stations. This can be realized with a terminal server. A terminal server has the idea to put all the database into the server, which includes the sql database itself, the middleware and also the frontend.

The citrix terminal server was mentioned already. The idea is, that the multi-user database is programmed on deployed on the server and the normal users are connecting with the Citirx server.

In an Linux environment a state of the art terminal server is the Gnome boxes software for the client. This software allows the user to connect to a remote desktop with the spice protocoll. On the server side the qemu/kvm software is installed which runs a desktop application. In the screenshot the Debian operating system was installed in a virtual machine and the Libreoffice calc program was started to enter a table. The user has to connect with the gnome boxes software to the remote qemu system.

This allows to convert an existing local table into a multi-user network ready table which can be used by many users at the same time. The idea is, that apart from the gnome boxes software, the user has no additional programs installed. He can use a normal Windows 10 PC and the Libreoffice suite is installed on the at the server in the virtual machine. Apart from Libreoffice calc any sort of database frontend can be run on the server. For example Java program or a python tkinter software.