March 07, 2020

Small introduction into the Kexi software

The amount of tutorials about the Kexi-project is very low. The official forum has around 200 postings, and even youtube provides less than 5 videos about the topic. At the same time, there is a need for an Open Source desktop database, and Kexi is one of the most promising examples in that direction. The sad news for the beginning is, that the project is in early stadium. It can be called an alpha version which doesn't provide anything. Even MS-Access 2.0 has more features to offer and this program was realized 25 years ago.

But it makes no sense to be too critical. Because all the advanced existing database applications are close source projects and so called web databases on top of PHP and Ajax are very complicated to use and can't replace a desktop database. So i'd like to introduce Kexi to the newbies with some screenshots and explain what the developers have programmed so far.

The program is available in Fedora and Debian as well. According to the official description its an “integrated database environment for the Calligra Suite” and an “visual database applications builder” [1] The program has only a small size. The kexi sourcecode consists of 150k lines of code which is around 4 MB for the program.

The main menu looks exactly like a small project. The user is asked to create tables, forms and reports. The menu bar on top of the screen have no purpose, all the features have to do with tables, forms and reports. At first the user can create a new table. I have done so and the table stores the firstname and the last name of fictional students. Additional a primary key was defined which is incremented in the auto mode.

In the next screen the form editor is shown. Which is a minimalist one. There are some widgets available which can be dropped with the mouse into the form The most important one is the text field which holds the data of the underlying table. The data source can be provided right the properties menu. In contrast to the Gambas software (which is a visual basic clone) the connection between the database table and the form is working great. The user is able to see the data in the form.

The last item in the list is the report generator. This module has less features than the minimalist form generator but the user is able to create simple reports. He can drag and drop text fields, specify the underlying data source and with the printing driver of the Linux operating system it's possible to create a pdf document.

More features are not available. The official Kexi handbook explains mostly what is missing in the project and indeed the software is in an early stage. But compared to other software open source projects, Kexi is my personal favorite. It has to two main advantages. First one is, that the project is going into the right direction. The project goal is to program in C++ and integrated database software which contains of tables, forms, reports and scripting features. The second advantage is, that the code written so far is stable and the user can create a small but working database.

Let us make a simple thought experiment. Suppose enough manpower is provided for this project, and the amount of codelines grows by the factor 10 from today 150k to 1.5 million. Additionally some example .kexi files are provided and the forum gets more traffic. The prediction is, that Kexi will become one of the most interesting Open Source projects since decades. The reason is, that the normal user can do a lot of things with a database RAD tool. The options are endless. If such a software is programmed as open source with open standards in mind it can change the software industry.

I would guess that the next milestone for the project is to bring kexi on the same level like the outdated MS-access 2.0 software. I would guess that today kexi provides around 20% of the features from Access 2.0. Most of the interesting features are missing. But from a technical perspective it's possible to improve the software.

Importing CSV

Under the tab “external data” the user can import existing csv data. I have tested out the feature with an example csv file. [2] It works great. The csv file is converted into a kexi table.


Some major problems are visible with the software. The first one is, that after clicking with the right mouse button on a table and select “Export table as csv” the kexi program crashes without warning. It's not possible to export the table at all. This makes it hard to use the data for external purposes. The second problem is, that kexi has some preinstalled plugins which includes an sqlite driver, but it's not possible to connect to a sql lite database.

It's not clear what exactly the reason is why the important features are not working, but suppose the connection to a sqlite database works, and suppose the export filter gets improved, then the normal user would be able to use Kexi for some smaller databases. It has some advantages over LibreOffice calc to create a dedicated database, and create queries with the SQL language. As far as i can see the sourcecode is available so it would be possible either to contribute to the existing kexi project or fork the project and start a clone.


[1] Debian kexi package,

[2] CSV sample data,