February 14, 2022

3b Micromouse

< 3a Programming robots with learning from demonstration

The micromouse competition is a concrete example what narrow AI is about. There is a clearly defined goal and even non experts can judge if a robot has reached the goal or not. The details how the robot is doing so can be ignored and it depends on the programmer how to build the robot.
Most examples for successfully created robots are working with a combination of a path planning- plus a steering algorithm. This principle is called bottom up robotics because the robot has to fulfill external goals which is reaching the goal. This paradigm is so widespread used that it is hard to explain potential alternative approaches.
Another, more elaborated strategy to program a micromouse robot, is the top down method. Here the idea is that it doesn't take matter if the robot has reached the goal, but the more interesting question is which score the robot has reached. For example if the robot collides with the wall it gets a -1 reward and if he has reached a waypoint, it gets rewarded with +1.