February 23, 2022

3e Cognitive simulation with text adventures

< 3d The bottleneck in robot programming

Most existing robotics was realized in a spatial environment. That means, the robot has a position in the 2d space and can move forward and backward. The interaction with the robot works providing numerical action signals for example the human operator press the forward key which moves the robot 1 cm ahead. Even if the robot can do useful thinks the man machine interface is working only on a low level without using natural language.
Cognitive architectures are trying to introducing a more human like interaction. The assumption is that human thinking and human decision making is working with natural language as a descriptive layer. From a technical perspective such an interface can be programmed as a point&click interface similar what was introduced in the game Maniac Mansion a long time ago.
Point&click graphical adventures are working by selecting action verbs and mention the objects by name. The robot isn't simple moving 1cm forward, but the robot executes a skill which has a name and it can reach a waypoint which has also a name formulated in English.


Understanding cognitive models and cognitive architectures 

What is symbolic AI?