November 07, 2019

Are Aimbots able to improve teamwork?

The major disadvantage of teamwork is, that the users will arguing to much and the performance of the overall group is lower. Instead of focus on the task, the group is solving internal conflicts which might by sometimes funny but results into a low productivity. A possible strategy to avoid the pitfalls is to combine teamwork with advanced artificial intelligence. In case of online gaming a well known technology which can boost the productivity easily is called an Aimbot. Aimbots are computer programs which allow the human player to act stronger than it's own skills would allow. The player provides only high level goals and the aimbot produces a high amount of actions per minute.

Basically spoken, an Aimbot is equal to cheating. Not the ability of a human player is measured or improved, but the user takes advantage of a software tool for increasing the performance. A naive approach is to start an Aimbot process for a single user to increase it's ability to win, but the same strategy make sense for a team of beginner players who like to win against a superior team without investing too much effort.

Suppose there is a group of 4 team members. Each of them has installed the latest version of an Aimbot. The aimbot ensures that the performance of the team will become very high. Instead of pressing hundred times on the mouse buttons, each user can relax and observe what the aimbot is doing for him. To coordinate the different instances of the aimbot, it's important to ensure that the team play is working good. The team has to communicate in a way, that that nobody else can recognize that Aimbots are utilized. From an abstract perspective such a gameplay consists of different layers:

- Aimbots

- human players

- team communication