November 26, 2019

SE.AI users doesn't know how to publish a paper

In the ongoing conflict between me and the SE.AI website i gave up no post into the chat but i'm reading what other users are writing. Yesterday, the admins have discovered my blog and posted the link into the chat. Other users are arguing about the value of content and if my knowledge is high enough. It seems, that SE.AI has problems to interpret the information so i'd like to give some advice.

If somebody likes to become an AI scientists, he has to write some papers about Artificial Intelligence first. Without writing a paper, it's not possible to get referenced by other. If the paper was written it should be uploaded to a document server, for example to Then, the potential fake scientist has to wait a bit until Google Scholar has discovered the information. In my case it took 2 and a half year until the paper was available in Google Scholar. The inner working of a crawler is nothing new but it's known from normal web search engines.

If any question left open to how to create and publish a paper, I'm motivated to give help. Greetings to SE.AI.


In the meantime i have created a hypothesis which is able to explain the current conflict. The self-understanding of the moderators of SE.AI is to moderate a Q&A website. The assumption is, that the website contains of a number of postings and the moderator has to defend this content against attacks from the outside. That means, the SE.AI has a core which is equal to the moderator and if somebody is closer to the core he has more rights, more wisdom and will become under more pressure.

The problem is, that this kind of understanding is not the only one which is available but it's a very conservative understanding of what a Q&A website site. The more elaborated form is, that wisdom is located outside of SE.AI and the admins have to learn from the newbies what is going on the domain of artificial Intelligence. That is in short my point of view. That means, the wisdom and the power is provided by the newbies who are asking questions and select answers they think which are valid. As a consequence the SE.AI website itself is nothing and the social role of a moderator can be reduced to formal housekeeping.

The hypothesis is, that not the quality of my answers in SE.AI is the reason for the current conflict but my position towards a Q&A website should be moderated, simply spoken i do not trust any moderators but i trust the OP aka the request which is send from the outside. This position is the complete opposite to the self-understanding of the current moderator team. Simply spoken i'm not devoted to the moderators but i have to obey to somebody who posts a question to SE.AI.

The assumption is, that because of this simple rule, the current conflict has broke out and will be developed further until new information are available.