November 24, 2019

Is there an author-pays AI forum available?

Setting up an internet server has become so cheap, that most online forums are working free to the user. That means, the user account can be created for free, and then the users are allowed to post as much information they want.

The alternative is a profit oriented commercial online forum. That means, the user has to pay 1 US$ for posting a question and he has also pay 1 US$ for answering a question. The result is, that the amount of users who can afford such a resource is limited.

Artificial Intelligence is perceived as a future topic with a high impact to all parts of society. if society is able to build robots and write the appropriate software the productivity of the economy would benefit from it. It make sense to introduce the author-pays model with the hope, that such a forum would become attractive for professional users.

Are author-pays AI forums available today?