1 Toc

2 About this blog

3 Artificial Intelligence 

3a Programming robots with learning from demonstration 

3a1 Reward function 

3a1a What is a robot? 

3a1b Top down robotics 

3a1c Game design with petri nets 

3a1d Programming an assembly line robot 

3a1e Improved production line robot 

3a1f Reward maximization in a production line 

3a1g Playing Tetris with a cost function 

3b Micromouse 

3c The misconception about bottom up robotics  

3d The bottleneck in robot programming

3d1 Pipeline for robot programming 

3d2 Grounding with a cost function 

3e Cognitive simulation with text adventures   

4 From Teleoperation towards autonomous control 

Longer papers

Learning from demonstration

The year 1992 in computer history

Reward function

History of Artificial Intelligence