January 10, 2020

The german wikipedia debates how to find new authors ...

Under the URL https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Kurier the German version of the signpost informs the Wikipedia community and the public as well about the project status. The main topic in January 2020 is, that the amount of active contributors is to low, and the community argues about the reasons. The idea is to increase the amount of authors, but nobody knows how to do this exactly.

Even if my German language skills are great, it's hard to follow the debate. Not because of the vocabulary but because i have the opposite fear. The problem with Wikipedia is, that the amount of authors is too high and could explode in the future. What does that mean? On the first impression, the Wikipedia project is protected against chatbots, because a chat bot is not able to create a valuable edit. This is true for a complex article which contains lots of natural language and is equipped with extensive references at the end. The danger in Wikipedia is, that chatbots are utilized to generate a certain sort of Wikipedia content which is highly structure. This is called a stub. A stub is small article which contains of two sentences and can be generated from a RDF-ontology by a knowledge-to-text system.

The resulting stub will read like a normal article, except that it was generated by a computer program. In contrast to humans, it's very easy to make a copy of the computer program. A simple unix command like “cp chatbot.py chatbot2.py” is enough to create as much wikipedia authors are needed. The funny thing is, that according to the published papers at Google scholar, simple biography stubs are generated with bots already. That means, the amount of Wikipedia authors is higher than the german chapter is aware of it.