January 27, 2020

Why Wikipedia is wrong

The main problem with Wikipedia is, that the project is not focussed on getting famous and earning money. In contrast to established universities like Stanford and respected academic publishers like Elsevier the primary concern is not to increase the monetary value but to provide information for nothing. That means, Wikipedia isn't a success machine but it's the opposite. It's a community of loosers.

The reason why the Elsevier company aren't contributing free medical content to Wikipedia is because Elsevier has understood how capitalism works. It has to do with earning money, become rich and famous and stay on top of the wave. Wikipedia is doing the opposite. They are doing everything wrong and as a result it is respected by no one. Ask authors to write an article for free and putting high quality content under a CC-BY license is some kind of anti-pattern in academic excellence.

The only way to interact with WIkipedia is to boycott the project. Or at least to stay away from it. If a university is announcing an intensive partnership with Wikipedia this is equal that this university is in trouble. They have no future in the education business and have lost the competition with other universities.