February 24, 2020

Comparison of RHEL with Debian

The Red Hat based Linux distribution has made everything right. They are earning money by selling the software to large companies, they have a free version Fedora distribution to offer which demonstrated the power of Linux and they have a professional community who is well organized. They are maintaining the issue tracker and fix all the bugs.

In contrast the Debian ecosystem is working quite different. The annual conferences are the pure chaos, the Debian software isn't working as expected and they have too much packages in the repository. One of them is fuzzylite, which is a C++ library for creating Fuzzy logic applications. This kind of package is no longer needed, but it seems that the Debian community has a different point of view to this problem.

In general we can say, that Fedora is a here to stay, while Debian blocks the Linux ecosystem. Without Debian, Linux would become a success on the desktop. It seems, that the combination of a non commercial project plus a stable release distribution isn't the best choice. The problem is, that it's not possible to argue against Debian instead the project should be ignored completely. After a while the users will recognize that Fedora is much better than Debian.

The problem with Debian is, that they the community is convinced that they are part of movement. Debian is arguing against Red Hat.