February 08, 2020

Transition from Python to Javascript

Python is known as an easy to learn programming language which is available on all operating systems and has object oriented features available. Creating new software in Python isn't recommended because the Javascript language is the natural successor. It's also available under all operating systems, provides object oriented features and has two additional advantages:

1. GUI applications can be created much easier compared to Python. In python a GUI depends strongly on the underlying framework which is tkinter, python-gtk or Python under Windows

2. the execution speed is faster, which makes Javascript the prefered choice for productive sourcecode which can't be realized with Python program

Sure, Python is used by many programmers, but the latest version which is Python3 can't compete with Javascript and node.js. What we can say about the Javascript language is, that it's not only used for prototyping new applications, but Javascript results into working code. In contrast, a program written in Python needs to be converted into faster programming language which is C++, Java or C#. This additional step isn't needed for Javascript which runs great in the normal Javascript interpreter.

Another interesting aspect is the node.js runtime environment. It's possible to configure the engine so that it's integrated in the programming IDE. The user types in the sourcecode not into a webbrowser but with a normal IDE, and after press on the run button, the status box will show the result. This allows a fast edit-compile-run cycle. It's basically the same workflow like programming code in Python. The only thing what is different is, that missing tab spaces.