May 31, 2019

Fedora 30 is the best operating system ever!

The new Fedora 30 operating system runs remarkable stable. For non-linux users i'd like to give a short overview what's inside the iso-file which can be downloaded from the project website. An xwayland server displays the Gnome desktop to the screen. If somebody doesn't like Gnome very much he can switch back to any other GUI for example fltk, E17 or LXDE. But suppose, the normal Gnome environment is preferred, then the user has in well sorted settings menu to change the WLAN configuration, change the colors, add a printer and even adapt the prefered non-english language.
So nice so good, the Fedora OS comes with a preinstalled LibreOffice suit which runs great and additionally the user the choice to install any database, texteditor, programming language or computer game he likes. The only condition is, that the software was published with a Gnu public license and is available in the repository. For many advanced software this is the case. Some examples are Lyx, LMMS, pitivi, archive managers, backup tools, Java, C++ compiler, python libraries and all sorts of network tools. By far, Linux is the most advanced operating system ever invented and it comes with the most developed software tools. It has surpassed the UNIX commercial operating systems like Solaris, has beaten the IBM operating systems like OS/2, and can compete easily with Mac OS X and Windows 10.
The only problem I've found is, that is the overall system is absolutely boring. After pressing the power button the login menu is there. Because of the daily system updates, the system gets all the patches and improved software automatically so the chance is high, that the same operating system will work in 1 years, in 2 years and even in 5 years from today. In around 1 years, the next version which is v31 gets releases, but updating the system to the next step is also not a problem. The user has to press a button, wait a bit and then he gets the new system. I don't think, that the look and feel can become greater in the future, the only limit which is visible is the underlying hardware. If the computer has only a resolution of 1368x768 even Fedora can display more pixels.
All in all i can say congratulations to Red Hat and to the entire Open Source movement. The systems runs great, no problems found.