May 28, 2019

Utilizing the Wikinews website for making advertisement

Some days ago a new article was created within the wikinews project It is about an anime convention held last week in Toronto. The reason why this article can't be deleted by the wikinews admins is because the event was covered by larger newspapers. That means, after typing in the keyword “anime north” (which is the name of the festival) into “Google news” some larger newspapers article will give the details. Two of the sources are given at the end of the wikinews article.
What is interesting is, that the authors of the article have invested a lot of energy. For example they have put a lot of photos from the convention to the Wikinews article. Right new the article is in the normal peer review queue. The question is, if the article gets published in Wikinews or not. This is hard to predict, because from an objective point of view, an Anime fan convention is not an important world-news. On the other hand the event is important enough to get some “Google news” articles. So my prediction is, that the article gets a Wikinews headline. Another reason which speaks for the article is, that in the past some similar articles were published under the category: “Anime convention” which have also provided lots of photos.
It seems, that it's possible to publish something at Wikinews if Google news has at least 2 articles about the topic already and if the authors investing a bit of energy into creating the Wikinews article. As a consequence the article will overjump the incoming spam patrol and will pass the peer review in wikinews also.