May 10, 2019

Mass peer review of Arxiv papers with Wikinews

The following script converts the Arxiv RSS feed about Artificial Intelligence into the Mediawiki syntax which can be used for creating new Wikinews articles.
import feedparser
feed = feedparser.parse( url )
items = feed["items"]
for item in items:
  title = item[ "title" ]
  url = item[ "link" ]
  print "=",title, "="
  print url+"\n"

Apart from the technical details, it is a best practice method for a reinforcing vs inhibiting cascade. The aim of the python script is, to share as much as possible content at Wikinews, while the WIkinews admins are trying to reject all the spam.
The funny thing is, that each deletion in WIkinews can investigated and has to be explained to the public. To make things more simple, the RSS feed contains only of 50 arxiv papers but not of 50 million. So the Wikinews admin has enough time to improve their knowledge about Deeplearning and Answer Set THeory.