May 06, 2019

Why blogspot is great

Some people have compared the different blog hosting websites in the internet. Blogspot is often mentioned as boring because the amount of settings is small and no plugins are available. On the other hand, blogspot has an important feature: a click on the reload button will increase the pageview counter by 1.
I've tried out in my own blog. The counter is at the beginning at 892. Now, i'm pressing the reload button in the browser and the counter is at 893. Great work. Blogspot isn't able to recognize that i'm the same user so i can manipulate the traffic counter very easily. Pressing the button, again and one more times.
In the next episode my aim is to try out if an autoit script can do the same job more efficient. As far as a know, Autoit can simulate mouseclicks and if each minute the reload button is pressed in one day the macro can produce 1440 fake visits. After one year, my blog can have up to 0.5 million pageviews without any real user interaction.