May 18, 2019

The social network section of this blog explained

This blog has a dedicated social network section. It was created as a static page from within the blogspot editor and it is shown on the sidebar permanently. The purpose of such a page is to aggregate existing content. Let us give an example.
Blogs are working with the principle in mind, that the author creates a new blogpost which is categorized according to the date. All the postings of may 2019 are put in the same folder. Additionally most blogs have a searchbox and a tag system to find previous posts. But all these properties are not enough what is needed additionally is a meta section of a blog.
A meta-section is sometimes called the about section. In most blogs, the author explains to the public what the blog is about. The meta-section can be extended with a curated playlist. A playlist is by definition a list of URLs. The playlist in the about section of a blog contains URLs to existing blogpost. And exactly this is the purpose of the social network section in the nav-bar. I've searched through my own blog and identified some of the postings which sounds interesting and put them onto the playlist. A new visitor gets on the first look an overview about the blog without browsing through all the postings. The format in the about/meta section is simple because the list is formatted with “Date, URL, comment”.
From a perspective of Web 2.0, the metasection is equal to repost existing content. Which means, in the meta-section the URL to existing piece of information is given to increase the visibility of this posting. In the meta-section not all the postings are listed only the important one. That means, some of the blogposts have an entry, and other not.
The surprising fact is, that the pageview of the metasection is the highest of the entire blog. The reason is, that this section gets updated frequently while a certain blog post is no longer relevant if it's stored in the system.
The idea behind the metapage / social network section is to track the own blog. That means the blog contains on the lower layer of new posts which are added. And on the metalevel all the content in the blog is monitored. The idea is to analyze which content is already there and how much often the content is visited.