May 20, 2019

Interesting traffic statistics in the own blog

The good news in a newly created blog is, that apart from the author itself no futher traffic is there. All the pageviews are generated by my own browsing through the website this gives a nice opportunity to watch the traffic statistics in a neutral point of view.
According to the graphic, the most accessed page is called “social network”. In this subpage I'm tracking my own blog. It is the about page in which interesting content is linked and annotated. The surprising fact is, that this page was visited more often than all the other pages in blog. The social network / about page is the informal table of contents, it aggregates the entire blog into a simple list. Right now the page is not very long. It contains of 13 entries in the format “date, url, comment”. but it seems, that I've watched and edited this page more than all the other subpages in the blog.
Like i meniioned in the introduction the statistics is a neutral one, because apart from own visits in the blog no real audience was here. What can we learn from this information? We can learn, that perhaps in any blog the about page is the most interesting one. The author of the blog reads them very often. It is unclear what will happen if serious traffic is available on a website. Have the random reader also the motivation to see through the meta-section of a website or is he more interested in the content itself? I don't know. But the prediction is, that the meta-information are more important than the serious content. The best example is the library. What all the users are doing is not to populate the shelfs with the books but they are occupy the Online public access catalog (OPAC) and the room with the index cards if the library is a bit outdated. That means, the meta-information of a system are creating the most pageviews.
But what exactly is the difference between a normal blog post and a metablogpost? I'd like to answer this for my own blog. The total amount of postings is 131. in the meta-section only 13 are mentioned. Additionally, in the meta-section only the URL is provided but not the fulltext. It seems, that a typical sign for a meta-section is, that the number of entries is short and that only URLs are provided.