May 07, 2019

How to ban a watchblog

If we trust the majority of Reddit tutorials, than it's very easy to get banned at the frontpage of the internet. It seems, that Reddit contains of rules and ultra-strict moderators which are acting against the users and ban everybody who made a mistake no matter if it was intentionally or not. But perhaps we should a go a step backward and slow down the topic a bit?
Reddit is community based watchblog of the internet. If somebody is posting a message which contains an URL he has add a piece of information to the watchblog. I'm not sure what the English translation is, the term watchblog is used only in Germany, in other countries the concept is called news aggregator or critics blog. The main idea is not to create a normal blog, but describe the overall community from a subjective point of view.
The question from the beginning was how to ban such blogs. The surprising answer is, that it's not possible. The reason is, that the amount of watchblogs is very small and banning them doesn't make much sense. The only way to ban such blogs is, if the author resigns by itself. Let me give an example. Suppose, somebody creates a new watchblog from scratch in which he is observing and commenting the Linux Kernel mailing list. What he is doing in his blog is to search the mailing list, analyze other blogs about the subject and provide background information. Who can we ban / hold down this blog? The surprising answer is, that there is no way. From a technical point of view it is not possible because a blog is hosted on a separate server and from a topic aspect it is also not possible to mute such an aggregator website. In most cases, the blog will be read and liked by the community.
In the reality the amount of dedicated syndicated blogs is small. The reason is, that it is a demanding task to create such sort of content. Because it means, that a user has to analyze what the entire community is doing. He is not allowed to post it's own content but has to link to information created by others.
A possible introduction is to explain the story from the other side. Suppose, a normal user needs some information about the Linux kernel. What he is posting to a website like quora is a question like “Hi, i'm searching for some blogs about the Linux kernel.”. He asks basically for aggregated information. In most cases, Quora can't help because the amount of dedicated blogs is low. So the user has to start it's own blog in which he is monitoring the topic he is interested in. If this user posts the content direct to Reddit, he has made a valuable contribution to the frontpage of the internet.
What i want to explain is, that not a single case is visible in which a user was banned from Reddit. The only way a certain feed has stopped is because of the users itself. They get bored by the topic and doesn't post any URL so their account was declined because of too much inactivity. The amounts of free slots for watchblog and content syndication streams is endless. For one normal reddit author are at least 10k passive readers available who doesn't want to write but only follow passive the feed.
Let us analyze the story of “user was banned at reddit” a bit in detail. The idea is, that reddit is some kind of group which is working with rules and somebody has to stand of the crowd. If get's doesn't banned, than he has understood the rules and everything is fine. In reality the situation is the opposite. Reddit has not to much users but to little. The reason is, that creating a blog aggregation which is up to date and contains only relevant URLs but not the spam is a complicated task. And the people who are able to do so is small. The situation is that everybody want's to read the reddit page but nobody want's to post something. Not because of technical problems with his internet connection, but because of the peer pressure. The situation is quite similar to a piano concert in a room. How many people are interested to go to the stage and play a song: 100?, 50?, no it is one. And in some cases nobody is motivated to do so because the piano player is not available. That means, the amount of persons who likes to stay in the focus is very small. There is not a single case known in which a piano player was banned from stage and replaced by a different one. The worst case what can happen is, that the artist thinks by himself that he is the wrong person on that position and doesn't volunteer again.