May 20, 2019

Minimalist Wikinews article was created is a recently created Wikinews article. What makes the page interesting is the question if the article gets deleted by the admin as spam or not. At first we have to take a look into the sources at the end. There are two of them, the first one comes Google news and is an english article from Reuters about the subject which is a business news from Google itself. The second source for the article isn't listed in Google news. It is a news agency from Bosnia and the text is written in Bosnian.
If both sources are from Google new i would guess, that the article will become by 100% an official Wikinews article. But in this article only one source comes from Google news, while the other source is some kind of alternative source. I'm unsure if this would match to the incoming control of the Wikinews project. The good news is, that the following actions of the Admins can be tracked. That means, the article is in the system and we can observe what will happen next.

Update (12 hours later)
Wikinews came to the conclusion, that the Croatian/Bosnian source is not reliable enough. The first reason was, that it is not listed at Google News which is an aggregator for major serious news sources and the second more problematic reason was, that the hub is written entirely in a non-english language which makes it hard to read the information.

The article about the relationship between Google and Huawai wasn't direct flagged as spam but it didn't pass the incoming filter.