May 07, 2019

Let's unite the AI Community

Writing interesting high quality posts about Artificial Intelligence is easy. But connecting existing blogs together to a larger entity is much harder. I've researched a bit what Reddit experts, social bloggers and influencers are doing and extracted a best practice method to increase the visibility of AI blogs in the internet. The procedure consists of 3 simple steps.
1. Use the Google search engine for identify new postings in blogs. The timespan should be reduzed to the last month and smaller amateur blogs should be preferred.
2. visit one of the blogs and write a comment under the article at the end
3. drop the URL in a public online discussion forum. Ask the forum what they think about the blogpost and encourage them to comment too in the original blog.
Let us analyze what will happen if this workflow is repeated much often. A single user will create around 30 comments in a month and posts additional the URL to a forum. If the forum users are posting under the same articles their comments too and are searching for interesting blog posts by their own, the effect will be obvious. The first one what will happen is, that lots of AI blogs will gets comments, and secondly in the public forum lots of URLs are dropped. This is equal to increasing the traffic in the blogs and make the ai community happy.