May 10, 2019

WIkinews thinks that Arxiv is a valid source

A social network is news aggregation website which combines multiple content streams into a playlist to make the subject easier to read for a larger audience. It helps to unite a community and improves the visibility. WIkinews is a good example for a social network which is using the powerful mediawiki engine as a backend. This allows to track the edits which is not possible in normal social networks like Google+.
the sources is referencing to an Arxiv paper. The paper is:
Huang, Chelsea X., et al. "TESS Discovery of a Transiting Super-Earth in the pi Mensae System." The Astrophysical Journal Letters 868.2 (2018): L39.
and it is listed in the Google Scholar cataloque.
The Wikinews article has passed the peer review process and was published on the main site as a valid news. No speedy deletion nor a longer deletation was made against the article. So we can conclude, that Wikinews sees a reference to an Arxiv paper as a valid source for a news headline.
Right now it is unclear what the minimum requirements for a Wikinews source are. A further investigation would help to find an answer. What we can say for sure is that apart from the mentioned wikinews article about the TESS spacecraft more wikinews articles are in the system which are referencing to Arxiv papers. So it seems, that Arxiv is seen in general as a valid source of information.
It seems that apart from Arxiv other websites are allowed as information sources too. In the article about Oprah Winfrey one source was a Wordpress blogpost. Wordpress is a free commercial bloghoster without a peer review system. Anybody can publish an article there without any costs.
So the question is: what is for Wikinews a valid source and what not? In a previous blogpost it was described that a short article which includes a URL to encyclopedia dramatica was become the victim of a speed deletion.
The difference between encyclopedia dramatica and a wordpress blog is minimal. Both websites are created by amateurs and in both cases no formal peer review is done. encyclopedia dramatica can be called similar to Wordpress a blog like publishing medium.